Originally Posted by Gojirosan Can I ask you folk a question, please?
I have never seen a cut version of this film and, the "Cindy scene" notwithstanding, the most disturbing, troubling and upsetting part of the film for me is Alex's rape of Lisa with almost soft-focus, romantic photography and set against a lush romantic bit of score.
Has this scene ever been cut? I would have thought this far more BBFC jangling than the "Cindy scene". |
Yeah - almost 180 seconds missing from UK releases. Here we have a case of a woman accepting the inevitable and nearly abonding herself to Alex. It's a mean scene, as it really looks somewhat civil and non-violent; however, it is rape. It's a difficult scene for the BBFC as Lisa at some point even seems to enjoy her being raped. Nasty indeed.
Originally Posted by Daemonia So let's keep it friendly.  |
No offence - and none taken.