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Old 22nd June 2011, 08:50 AM
Nemesis Nemesis is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Oct 2010

Originally Posted by Pete View Post
No, Enough is enough with you tech nerds dumping on every single little thing.

I've been nothing but satisfied with what I've seen from Blue Underground and, despite one or two **** ups, everything Arrow have done too. I've even seen people complain about the Severin BD of SANTA SANGRE and the Eureka release of SHOGUN ASSASSIN. WTF? Compare them to the older dvd's and they are 1000 times better. If Kentai and his buds are so bothered about these things I suggest they come out from behind their computer screen, pony up the often obscene license fee's for these films and then fork out the serious dough it costs to do a HD restoration for films which, compared to all the latest hollywood guff, have a very limited market appeal. We are lucky people are even bothering to put out these things on out blu.

Goodness what happened to days of when people bought a film to ENJOY?

Hear, hear

But if your satisfied with a transfer that has artificial grain over a DNR:ed image instead of an untampered transfer with all the finedetails and REAL grain intact, then fine, just don´t expect people that REALLY know how much better it could look, if they didn´t filter the image, to just bend over to the companies and hand over the money for a lackluster transfer.

Arrow really needs to take a good look at the materials they are handed BEFORE they deside to release it. It´s obvious there are better transfers out there.
Pete raises a valid point which Kentai & Co seem to miss - it's very easy to say that all transfers should look like Wild Side Tenebrae, but it costs thousands to do a fresh scan and the sales would simply not be there to cover it. If any company were to do new scans on their releases, they'd probably be out of business after three or four releases. Remember these films unfortunately will not have the sort of appeal of popular new releases such as Harry Potter, Avatar or Pirates of the Carribean.

Apparently Wild Side was supposed to be releasing Cat and Phenomena on blu as well - I suspect that the transfer of Tenebrae cost so much that there is no way they could recoup the cost needed to break even on that title, thereby abandoning the proposed blus.

Don't forget also that Wild Side's Tenebrae has a big flaw - enforced subs. That might not be as big a bugbear for some as PQ, but it will be for others.
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