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Old 22nd June 2011, 08:53 AM
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Yeah but you're saying that based on screen grabs - I don't judge a disc until I have seen it for myself and and, so far, I haven't had a problem. The BU edition of DJANGO is superb and I doubt the film could look any better. The fact that people are more concerned with trying to figure out whether the grain is fake is just sad.

I read people giving Synapse stick for their transfer of THE DORM THAT DRIPPED BLOOD. What the **** did people expect from a film that was basically a student project and treated like shit for almost 30 years? It's a miracle Synapse even considered putting it out on blu-ray.

In regards to Arrow (and I would think this applies to many other companies too) - most of the time they don't know what they are getting until they have paid for the license. It's not like they paid Storaro to **** around with ratio for BIRD and I think they could be forgiven for expecting to be given a proper 2.35:1 version of the movie - after all it had been out in various editions for years under it's proper ratio.

It's getting tiresome reading self appointed experts moaning about every ****ing blu-ray release. There are much, much more important things to worry about.

Ok rant over, sorry for the language. It's nice that people are passionate but I think some should step back and just enjoy the films. After all aren't they supposed to be for enjoyment?

Last edited by Pete; 22nd June 2011 at 09:16 AM.
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