I've got a few on the go at the mo.
Leslie Nielson's 'The Naked Truth' a none too serious or truthful look at his career and life in showbiz "I was stunned when I beat De niro, Pacino and others to win the Oscar for Airplane"

Tony Klinger's 'Twilight of the Gods' a look at touring with the Who in the 70s
Mick Foley 'Have a Nice Day' if you love/hate pro wrestling ya gotta read this great autobiography, a self effacing look at the strange and wonderful early life and career of possibly one of most genuine and real fan turned wrestler there is.
Aristotle 'Politics' my semi-namesake hits the nail on the head almost 2500 years ago, tells you everything you need to know about how politics works. You won't believe how little has changed in over two thousand years.
Plato 'The Republic' my other semi-namesake also hits a different nail on it's head, this time on how society works, again just as relevant today. When he says something like "There are only two types of citizens, those that rule and those that get ruled over" he knew more about us than we'd like to admit.
Those last 2 are best dipped into every now and again, a bit heavy going otherwise.