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Old 18th November 2008, 03:16 PM
Seasoned Cultist
Good Trader
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: a wee scottish city called stirling

Bought five ex rental dvds for a tenner in cash coverters over the weekend..

ST.ELMOS FIRE-Mid 80's brat pack movie which was a lot better thabn i can remember.

THE ENTRANCE-Some satanic torture flick going from the blurb on the box.Released by dnc. Aint watched it yet.

SEVEN- Watched this last night,and my opinion aint changed since seeing it back in 1997...its still so boring and way overlong,even the supposed shock ending is pretty tame now.

WHEN EVIL CALLS-mobile phone horror flick!!! As bad as it sounds.

House of 9- aint seen this one before,but it stars kelly brook,so dunno if thats a good thing.(probably not.)
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