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Old 21st August 2011, 01:33 AM
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nekromantik nekromantik is offline
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Just seen Wrecked.

Hmm tbh this bored me. Nothing much happens.
Its about this guy (Adrain Brody) that wakes up after a car crash with no memory.
He tries to get out of a car and sees this woman in a dream that tries to help him.
As he gets out he slowly remembers bits and pieces after a radio news bulletin and finding more dead bodies.

At the end he remembers what had happened before the crash and who he was.

Now I loved Buried which was a slow burner with only 1 character in a coffin in the whole 80 mins but this was quite tiring and boring. There was no pay off at the end to make it worthwhile watch. Some people may like it but I just did not get into it.

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