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Old 21st August 2011, 11:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Pete View Post
TERMINATOR SALVATION - Not bad, better than part 3 but not as good as the original.
Part 3 had a brilliantly dark and nihilistic ending. If the rest of the film had shared that tone, it would have been amazing. As it stands, it's almost as if the ending is from a completely different film. And the CGI is woeful, I expected more from a Blockbuster of this calibre.

Terminator: Salvation is okay...ish. I thought Bale was incredibly miscast though, he didn't seem comfortable in the role at all - and the CGI Arnie made me laugh for all the wrong reasons, it was just so crap. Not one I'll be in a hurry to revisit. The central premise was rubbish too: in a nutshell 'Why don't we just hit the 'off' button?' I mean...c'mon
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