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Old 24th August 2011, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by PaulD View Post
The last few days I've watched:

Them - decent French horror. Little in the way of plot but short enough to get away with it, concentrating on tension and scares instead. Home invasion stuff always really creeps me out and this was no exception.

Rec and Rec 2. Seen them before back-to-back at the cinema but after picking up the sequel on BD for a fiver last week I really felt like watching them again. Still fantastic.

Super - funny, shocking and very off-the-wall at times. Kick Ass comparisons are inevitable but lazy - while Kick Ass starts off gritty and grounded and gets progressively more cartoony as it goes on Super maintains the street-level grittiness all the way through. Pretty nasty at times but really well done. Neat Lloyd Kauffman cameo too.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes - surprisingly enjoyable. Hard a hard time trying to figure out how it fitted into the original series (I mistakenly thought it was a prequel to the original rather than a semi-remake of Conquest...) and some of the more overt references to the original were a bit jarring (especially *that* line) but it was a really well made film which was incredibly touching at times. Andy Serkis was brilliant as Caesar and just through the body language and expressions he felt like a real character and even though at times some shots flowed like video games cut scenes the cgi was really impressive. It was odd in that nothing happened in it you couldn't have predicted buy it was still a really enjoyable film. Worth watching if a fan of the original series.
Loved Super, one of my favorites of the year.
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