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Old 24th August 2011, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs View Post
It's really sad that the days of small retail chains have almost gone and, in most towns, it's HMV or nothing.

Either that happened because of the Internet or because of the bigger, more powerful chains. I'll probably go with the former as Zavvi (previously Virgin) used to have high Street stores but are now, with few exceptions, Internet only.

Face it, when did you last find an in-store bargain which was better than anything on the Internet?
That is true. While I acknowledge that high street stores have higher overheads it does seem that they charge a ridiculously higher price for their goods (and surely if it's cheaper for them to trade online some of the online saving could be transferred to the high street?).

That said, I did see the limited Dr Manhattan bluray of Watchmen in HMV tofay for £10 which I can't find online although I suspect that's down to it being an HMV exclusive release anyway. Still, that's a pretty good bargain
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