Originally Posted by platostotal Spooky, that's close to my 90sec prediction, best wishes to Shameless in the appeal, give em hell  . Would expect the cuts are the victims reaction to the rape, razor slicing flesh(the actress just looks sooo young) and Hess's reaction/enjoyment of it. though a huge improvement over previous cuts it's worth Shameless going to appeal as 80sec is still a chunk of film to lose.
PS. I know Shameless sometimes put the snipped bits online, can I just say in this instance(because the actress involved is made to look very 'young' ahem, and the way the UK Internet laws are today) might want to seek legal advice before posting, one thing to upset the bbfc quite another to upset the CPS, and they may see Shameless as a company to make an example of, so please be careful guys. |
That wouldn't happen, as long as she was 18, then it's all fine, I think I checked before, but couldn't find her actual age. So maybe she wasn't 18, if anyone does know please shed the light.