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Old 17th September 2011, 04:21 PM
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PaulD PaulD is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Newcastle, UK

Picked up Predator Trilogy on bluray today. Just realised the version of Predator is the smeary-overly DNR-ed version. I'm usually not one to notice such things that much but even I find this off-putting to watch at times having had a quick flick through.

Also bought Withnail and I for £2.99 and just purchased Kick Ass on Amazon Marketplace for £5.70. I usually use PlayTrade but since zoverstocks sell on both sites and always undercut to be the cheapest it's worked out cheaper to get it on Amazon

And that's me done for a while I assure you. I'm about to go back to uni and be a poor starving student (as opposed to a full-time worker who is saving to go back to uni) so really can't afford to spend much anymore. Have god only knows how many unwatched discs to get through now anyway

we-ll, I'm watching a few things on eBay. I'll see how they turn out. *Then* I'm done

double edit: and whatever I have pre-ordered too
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