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Old 20th September 2011, 06:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs View Post
It's really annoying that we're still treated like children in this day and age. I wonder how the members of the BBFC manage to watch all this filth and depravity, yet manage to be unaffected? Hmmmmmm. Guess they have superior intellect to us knuckle draggers!
That's the thing that's so infuriating about the whole BBFC cuts - the mentality of "we can watch it and make a judgment and not be affected. But you might not!". I seem to recall this being brought up in the Video Nasties: Definitive Guide documentary.

Still, good news that the appeal yielded a better result and kudos to Shameless for appealling and pushing this and getting an extra half a minute back into the film. Shame it wasn't more but the joys of living in this country eh?
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