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Old 29th October 2011, 07:21 PM
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antmumford antmumford is offline
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
Also ant, you must be one of a very few number of us on here, whose girlfriend is actually stopping you from, and not encouraging you to get rid of your films!
I know, I couldn't believe it when she got angry by me even suggesting it. I think it's cos she knows how much I love collecting stuff and feels guilty because the reason I'd sell them is to get money to help her out with problems we've been having with the flat and things over the last few years.

I've decided to trawl through my DVD/BD collection and sell on anything I know I won't watch again and just keep the collections going for now.

Keep an eye out for a sale thread soon, once I've finished going through them, as there may be some bits people at Cult Labs may want... maybe.
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