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Old 30th October 2011, 09:42 AM
Splatterdragon73 Splatterdragon73 is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: From the bowels of Newcastle Upon Tyne he collect DVDs and BRs!

Originally Posted by antmumford View Post
There's always a spelling or grammar mistake on an Arrow release.
Yeah and i expect such errors more or less with every Arrow release now. My own fave spelling shortcoming was a certain Italian gore guru referred to as 'Lucio Fulgi'!

Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
I do like to have the best editions of a film, but I'll only ever buy films that I like (especially in regards Blu-ray). If I do blind buy something I dislike, I'll always trade or sell it on. I'd also recommend keeping hold of your collection if at all possible. Yes, at the end of the day they're only material possessions, but regret can be a bitch.
I'm pretty much of the same mindset but i tend to give away impulse buys i don't enjoy. Bar the odd book or CD, my DVD and BR collection is by far the major material interest in my life and it's where most of my money goes.

The other day yours truly received Synapse's MC BR in the post and whereas i do like the cover there was also bewilderment as to the absence of the audio commentary present on the earlier and later DVD editions.

Arrow's release was waiting for me yesterday and another pleasing purchase sure to delight many a fan of Matt Cordell's murderous mayhem. Great stuff!
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