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Old 30th October 2011, 02:50 PM
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WillCarter WillCarter is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Oct 2011

Two of the worst films I've seen recently are Autopsy: A Love Story and Head Cheerleader, Dead Cheerleader. Autopsy is the better of the two, mainly due to a striking performance from Martin Sheen's brother Joe Estevez (Charlie Sheen's uncle) but that's pretty much where the good ends, it's not so much that it's bad... which it is, it's more about how dull it is. I would tell you what happens at the end, but I may have fallen asleep, so that could prove a little tricky.

As for Head Cheerleader, Dead Cheerleader I can only guess that it got made thanks to it's frankly amazing title because no one in their right mind would have helped finance this if they'd read a few pages of the script. It's abysmal, repetitive and worst of all it tries to be clever... and fails.
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