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Old 20th November 2011, 12:09 AM
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Gojirosan Gojirosan is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Liverpool, UK

Watched Black Christmas. I've seen this many times and still think it's a superb, important and compelling film.

However, the Tartan port of the Critical Mass transfer is very lacking in video quality, to the point of being distracting. A mediocre interlaced transfer to begin with, then converted from NTSC to PAL, the motion is juddery, colours smeared and details non-existent. This film deserves better.

I know that the US Blu-ray release has its detractors, but I think I'm going to buy it, as based upon review and screencaps and common sense, it should be an improvement over the Tartan issue.

Also, 1.78:1 seems a very tight matte. The framing looks off throughout. Were Canada in the habit of matting to 1.66:1 at this time does anyone know? IMDb reckons it was intended for 1.85:1, but my eyes tell me different.

Whatever, a wonderful film and essential viewing to anyone with any interest in the development of the horror film.
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