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Old 20th November 2011, 04:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Daemonia View Post

Tron Legacy (2010) - I'm a fan of the original, so I was unsure how they'd pull this sequel off. But they do, brilliantly. Sam Flynn finds his way into the grid and is surprised to find his father in there. But things have gone awry and one of Kevin Flynn's creations has taken over the virtual world and now father and son must fight back. It's entertaining and done with such brilliance and creativity that I just sat with a big grin all the way through it. The retro-feel 80's soundtrack is exceptional. Perfect. 10 out of 10 from me.
This for me has been the biggest cinematic disappointment of recent years. I know people don't think too much of the first one, plot-wise, but there's enough heart and soul in those characters and Bridge's performance to keep the viewer involved. Whereas T:L seemed to be happy with listless central performances of computer generated (actual and fictional if you see what I mean?) characters who I didn't care about one jot. Even Sheen's Bowie rip off was so at odds with the feel of the film that he simply annoyed me.

I was also crushingly underwhelmed by the Daft Punk soundtrack, which was so by the numbers that I felt I'd pretty much heard it all before at the hands of Hans Zimmer's score for Inception - what little 'originality' they brought was more in keeping with their lesser post Homework output which is that rather grating filtered disco nonsense that goes down a treat in a Yate's wine bar.

And here is where everyone will probably think I'm mental, but I hand on my heart think that the special effects from the first Tron movie are a million times better than the 'I've seen it all before' in T:L. There's a unique look to the original that has stood the test of time and makes it stand out too. The physical aspect of it really lends it an air of 'what if we could be inside computers' feel that is seriously lacking in the latest instalment, which looks and feels like a digital Faberge Egg - kind of stunning and eye catching for a glimpse, but ultimately thin and hollow.
Gimme those solid light cycle trails any day and the Moebius designs.

I'm undoubtedly in the minority on this film, but hey what a bloody dull world it'd be if we all liked the same stuff

Originally Posted by Daemonia View Post
A Prophet (2009) - Interesting French prison drama chronicling the life of inmate Malik. Malik is an Arab, but finds himself under the protection of the Corsicans - this puts him in a hard situation, the Corsicans look down on him and treat him as a slave, whilst the Arabs hate him because they feel bertrayed. But Malik mamipulates every available opportunity and soon begins to build a criminal empire. Brilliant and riveting, I recommend this highly.
And this is my favourite film of recent years by a long long way. I saw it six times at the cinema and still watch it fairly regularly now. Powerhouse central performance, amazingly well photographed and realised and that Jimmie Dale Gilmour cover of Mack the Knife at the end still brings a tear to my eye.
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