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Old 20th November 2011, 07:20 PM
Nemesis Nemesis is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Oct 2010

Doctor Who Cybermen boxest -

Revenge of the Cybermen - a good, solid dependable little caper. Not seen all their stories, but I'm getting to like Doctor, Sarah Jane and Harry even more; still cannot beat the combo of Doctor, Zoe and Jamie though. Interesting to see some of the story reworked into the next story though:

Silver Nemesis - On the basis of this and other stories, I'm begining to realize how much Sylvester McCoy's Doctor is probably the darkest doctor there is. If the Valyard had to derive from one specific incarnation so far, this would be the one. Beneath that charming eccentric doctor facade, he's a brutal killer. Whereas most of the other doctors react to events involving enemies, he instigates them or sets them up. That's not to say that the other doctors cannot be effective killers too - Tom Baker employed nifty dispatches in Revenge and Morbius, while Colin was pretty brutal in the Two Doctors and Twin Dilemma - but they dispatch immediate threats and think short-term; Sylvester's incarnation is the man with the plan and thinks strategic! It's a shame that when the show needed to be benched at the end of the McCoy era that these issues got lost; the show had come a long way since the benevolent eras of Troughton and Pertwee and started to explore darker places.

As the story itself - very cheesy in places; Cyberman controller is clearly doing his best Darth Vader impression. Very good villain in Lady Peinfort and props for getting Anton Diffring as De Flores. Some very fun dialogue. But again a very good story which showcases why McCoy is a very important doctor and bumps him further up my favourites list.
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