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Old 27th November 2011, 09:58 AM
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bdc bdc is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Belgium

Here we go...

Red to Kill (1994)
A maniac is raping and killing girls dressed in red in the proximity of a hostel for the disabled...
At first the movie is very moving with a mentally retarded girl losing her father and ending up in the hostel but then it switches to totally over-the top exploitation as the rapist killer is just too much (really!).
The ice-cubes scene cracked me up!
The two approaches (moving/serious one minute and over-the-top exploitation the next) don't really gel successfully imho but this is still an interesting film.
Doctor Vampire - Legendary Collection (1991)
A HK doctor visits Britain and gets bitten by a vampire while searching for a phone (his car broke down) in a strange hotel,he then returns to HK...
Cheesy fun-fest that starts off relatively slow but gets better and better,ending in an unexpected brilliant finale.
Filmed partly in Britain with some non-HK actors (Peter Kjaer as the count and Lorraine Kibble as the count's assistant).

Lorraine Kibble gets it:

Vampire's Breakfast - Legendary Collection (1987)
There's a killer on the loose,the police don't want it to be known he's a vampire though!
But...our heroic newspaper reporter Liao Chi-Piao is hot on the case and wants a scoop...
Decent time waster,but I wasn't really impressed by the vampire.
Not bad though and it has a good finale.
Phantom Killer, The - Legendary Collection (1981)
A local hero charms all the ladies and all of them are in love with him,there is however a killer who's killing them off on by one!
Fun whodunit in a period setting with some added martial arts mayhem and even some nudity (credits) that seems to be somewhat inspired by the German krimi films.
The killer looks great disguised as a monk and wearing a skull mask!
There's even some true gross out scenes (corpse in the statue).
It's discounted at Playasia right now and goes for about 3-4US$ + ship.

Jail House Eros - Legendary Collection (1990)
A girl died while trying to escape from prison several years ago...
A movie with a reputation!
Strange hybrid WIP/ghost film which also has it share of (full frontal) nudity and succeeds in being entertaining in parts,however I personally didn't find the "good" female ghost really interesting and that whole aspect slows the movie down imho.
The "bad" female ghost is fun however as are the many cat fights!
OK,just don't expect too much and you'll have a good time.
Happy Ghost, The - Legendary Collection (1984)
In ancient times (period style) a man commits suicide by hanging himself in a temple...the rope he used (which seems to house his spirit) is found by a girl while sheltering with her friends from a rainstorm in the abandoned temple.
She takes the rope back to the boarding school they attend...
I read that this was a children's comedy film,however it turned out to be a teen (aimed at girls it seems) comedy/drama.
Strange film which addresses topics as teen pregnancy and suicide,even abortion.
All while there's a "happy ghost" trying to help the girls out!
After having watched a bit (up until the feet tickling in the bedroom scene) I didn't really like it,however I returned to it the next day and found it strangely moving and even charming...

Last edited by bdc; 27th November 2011 at 10:33 AM.
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