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Old 28th November 2011, 07:18 AM
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Gojirosan Gojirosan is offline
Cult Acolyte
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Liverpool, UK

Last House On The Left, The Exorcist and Fight Club are the films that immediately spring to mind here.

LHOTL is just rubbish - a badly made and mean spirited farrago. No amount of tacked on murmurings about Vietnam can add any depth to it.

The Exorcist is an efficiently made film, but both boring and overblown at the same time (which I suppose is some kind of achievement!). EVen my belovéd Max Von Sydow cannot salvage any respect from me for this over-rated nonsense.

Fight Club
- well...where to start? A ridiculous idea, tedious to the point of annoyance, and more pretentious than a barrelful of sixth form philosophy students. Absolute trash that looks like a film school project with a massive budget.
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