Thread: Code Red
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Old 12th December 2011, 02:30 AM
codered codered is offline
Cult Rookie
Join Date: Dec 2011

Originally Posted by the blob View Post
It's because the Internet is the world's largest false economy. Maybe he actually believes all the people who write 'I'd really love a release of... ' or for those who will, maybe he extrapolates into world population..

X forum has 3000 members. 100 members say they'll buy it = 0.03%

0.03% of 7 billion = 21 million sales!

Quids in!
I agree, just because 3 people in a message board say it will sell, it might not sell. Look at NIGHTMARE with all the painful insult I took for 4 years, only to barely sell 3,000. These mean trolls always say "He must be idiot not to release NIGHTMARE, this will sell 100,000 copies easy". Well, the statement is sort of true.....I am a idiot for releasing NIGHTMARE since I lost alot of money doing it. NIGHTMARES, a aussie film which came out one month before NIGHTMARE outsold the real deal! Let's see about these internet request title... STUNT ROCK (Less than 800), RITUALS (less than 900), VISITOR (less than 1,200). Visitor really killed me as it was the most expensive title I paid, and garbage like BURBANK DRIVE-IN sold 3oo copies more. What the internet wants is not what the rest of the horror community wants.

Right now the director of GHOSTKEEPER is getting alot of email telling him his film will be release of 2012. I looked at the email (ones i received), it seems it's one guy with multiple IDs leading the poor director on. 5guys in the web, maybe it's one guy who has plenty of time in his hand.
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