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Old 27th December 2011, 04:02 PM
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The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec

Just watched this with the missus.

I've always had a soft spot for Luc Besson's films, but this was really disappointing. It didn't help that the Jeunet-esque narration at the beginning convoluted the exposition unnecessarily, which made the proceeding story a hodge podge of CGI set pieces that were exceedingly underwhelming and all fairly pointless.
Lousie Bourgoin's portrayal of the titular character was hampered by poor writing and she went from being strong willed and funny to ill-tempered and spoilt, which made it quite hard to actually enjoy (although she is a very pretty lady).
Other characters were introduced and forgotten for great swathes of the film, even though the epilogue alludes to a particular nemesis of Blanc-Sec making a return.

I believe the characters, not sure about the story though, are based upon a comic book series and whilst this is the fodder of so many films these days, this is yet another example where it seemed that the source is probably a rich well of creativity and ideas, but sadly these notions just don't come across and translate well from the page to the screen.

Poor ol' Luc, should stick to writing and producing whip cracking b-movies a la Taken and The Transporter franchise.
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