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Old 8th January 2012, 06:44 PM
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Slippery Jack Slippery Jack is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: West Midlands, UK

Hotel Harabati

The enticing dvd blurb had it down as a kind of Haneke/Lynchian nightmare, and the first 50 minutes or so delivered the goods. A well executed slow build of suspense, and that growing feeling of 'something isn't right here, but I don't know what is'. Some good lead performances from Hélène Fillières and Laurant Lucas, the latter drawing comparrison to the vaguely similar, but much superior Lemming. The more it went on, the more the film drifted away from any kind of plot (not a bad thing sometimes, but not in this case), and ended with a pretty bland whimper. Shame . . .
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