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Old 17th January 2012, 11:35 AM
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oaxaca oaxaca is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: West Mids UK

If James Bond producer Cubby Broccoli had ever produced a war film then THE WILD GEESE is what it would be. Even the theme tune and opening scenes bring to mind James Bond. Perhaps it was John Glen's influence as he was an assistant director of the film. And then of course you've got Roger Moore's presence, with him providing his trademark Bond-style one-liners. The film is a perfect blend of drama, suspense, action and comedy.
*Charles Bronson makes Duke (Juan Fernandez) swallow his Rolex Watch*
Duke: "I'm dying!"
Bronson: "No you're not... But you are gonna have to stick your head between your legs to tell the time."

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