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Old 26th January 2012, 12:41 PM
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antmumford antmumford is offline
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Originally Posted by BAKA View Post
Quite like Steelbooks myself, although I do quite like the range of cover artwork options a typical Arrow release would give. Hopefully it will a) be a title I'm interested in and b) feature artwork over the whole Steelbook, with a paper insert stuck to the back to list the features. The Steelbooks with the description / features printed on the back of the Steelbook themselves never quite manage to look as great. Stickerbooks are a no no too!
Totally agree.

Rules of a creating a Steelbook (Arrow take note, if it's not too late):

1) It must have internal artwork

2) BBFC and Irish Certificates must be a sticker, printed ones are just not acceptable. That's like getting a child at school creating a beautiful painting only then for the teacher to go and plant an A+ in red felt tip right on top of it. It would be devastating

3) No details and description of film and content printed on the back of the steelbook. It must be left as artwork only, just like the front. It must have a card wrap around sleeve instead

4) NO and I mean NO "Blu-ray"(or DVD) banner plastered across the top as a border. We know it's a god damn Blu-ray as we are looking in the Blu-ray section of the shop or online PLUS we can tell by the size of the case PLUS it's listed as Blu-ray in the description box online or on the card wraparound sleeve. What do you take us for?.... IDIOTS?
In fact same goes to the Double or Triple Play banners. HUGE NO NO!!

There we go, rant over! Sorry to vent my frustration there but I had to get it off my chest. If these rules are broken then there'll be a lot of Steelbook collectors rather peed off to be honest.
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Last edited by antmumford; 26th January 2012 at 06:27 PM.
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