Having read Richard Matheson's book last week I felt obliged to buy and rewatch
The Legend Of Hell House.
I was always very find of this film, which Granada would often show in their "Night Time" slot - indeed, short clips from the film were used for years as the on-screen visuals for the Night Time continuity announcements.
Never seen it in it's correct aspect ration though and I am glad I have! Those amazing skewed angles and specifically chosen optics create a disorientating effect in the viewer and combine with Delia Derbyshire and Brian Hodgson's exquisitely warped sound effects to form a wonderfully nervy and confusing atmosphere. Simply marvellous.
The casting is good, though if you look back to the book, it is odd that Pamela Franklin and Gayle Hunnicutt didn't play each others' parts! Nonetheless they are splendid. And Roddy McDowall...well...Roddy McDowall is in it! What more needs to be said!
I know there are those who rate
Twins Of Evil, but for me this is John Hough's finest film and a superb entry into the great pantheon of haunted house films.
It was a pleasure to see it again after all these years.