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Old 27th January 2012, 12:18 PM
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antmumford antmumford is offline
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Originally Posted by Daemonia View Post
Whaaaat? Why haven't you seen this film? This nearly always makes my top 10 films of all time. Walken gives a powerhouse performance that's both captivating and terrifying. It's an outstanding gangster film and easily ranks alongside the likes of Scorcese, De Palma and Coppola's best. Don't miss this film, it's truly magnificent.

I'll be getting this pre-ordered as soon as it goes up, I've been waiting for a UK BD release (the US release is region-locked).
I know I know, it's shocking. It's just a title I've never got around to watching yet. It will all change in June though don't you worry, I'll be getting a copy of the Steel and the window box to satisfy both of my collections.
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