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Old 29th January 2012, 09:02 PM
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pedromonkey pedromonkey is offline
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after a week off and fair few films watched i ended the weekend with...

FROM PARIS WITH LOVE: A fast paced action film from Luc Besson's action stable, Good performances from John Travolta and Jonathan Rhys Myers, alot of gun fire and bad language, not much in the way of plot but a definite fun ride.

THE GIRL WHO KICKED THE HORNETS NEST: The final part of the trilogy is more a conspiracy thriller mixed with a courtroom drama, still very very good but neither sequel really have anything to do with the first film which could easily be watched as a stand alone film.

THE DEADLY SPAWN: first time watching this and it's pretty good, some great monster FX but the rest is a little amateur compared to other's in the genre. Still a pretty decent film though. Hopefully arrow's upcoming release will have a better PQ because most are quite bad.

HARD TO KILL: Steven Seagal actioner that was pretty good, the man really hasn't stretched his acting chops in 30 years. Some good action scenes and what can only be described as the worst fake beard in movie history, makes this a fun film.

: A film from my childhood and still one of my fave 80s kids movies, hadn't seen it in a while and completely forgot horseface Sarah Jessica Parker was in it. Awesome soundtrack too.
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