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Old 5th February 2012, 03:07 PM
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Frankie Teardrop Frankie Teardrop is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Leeds, UK

Just seen ART OF THE DEVIL 2. Couldn't really get into it. Found the first 40 or 50 minutes a bit lacking in terms of pace, and something about the character's dubbed voices put me off wanting to get to know them. Having said this, the second part of the movie kind of delivered in terms of grotesquerie, but by the time the goods came round I wasn't all that bothered. Wasn't particularly happy about a scene of fish torture near the beginning, either. Earlier watched PIRANHA (the Dante original). A bit talkier than I remembered it, nevertheless some fine moments and some surprising mean spiritedness at points. I probably shouldn't admit this, but in a way I prefer the remake - there's just something about big budget multiplex gore / faint sleaze / schmatlz that I find hilarious. If only all Hollywood trash wore its desperate lack of taste on its sleeve the way this film does.
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