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Old 6th February 2012, 10:52 AM
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Handyman Joe Handyman Joe is offline
Active Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2011

For shame, instead of studying for the accountancy block of my OU module I watched Trog. What the hell was everyone thinking here? Freddie Francis, Joan Crawford, Michael Gough have been involved in some pretty impressive movies but I'm afraid Trog isn't one of them. For a start this Trog is supposed to be a missing link, a caveman, a TROGladyte if you will but he appears to have shaved legs, neatly cut nails and a waxed torso. Poor Joan (her final role) gives it her all but no-one could pull this dialogue off ('officer let me fetch my hypo gun, I'II capture Trog'). Michael Gough appears totally soused throughout (the pub sessions after shooting must have been epic). The interminable opening 'discovery of Trog' scene wins my award for the worst acting/script ever committed to film - a bunch of ponces in a paper mache cave, seemingly improvising some utter twaddle. The 5 minute stop motion dinosaur 'flashback' scene - man that was crap.
A moustachioed man says at one point -' it (Trog) looks like something out a student rag week' - never a truer word spoken. The scene where the lunk bonds with a mechanical doll may well move you to horrible tears. I found this movie strangely fascinating......

Last edited by Handyman Joe; 6th February 2012 at 11:31 AM.
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