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Old 13th February 2012, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by nordicdusk View Post
Looking forward to the next Watchmen movie really enjoyed the first one. Its confirmed the next film will be a prequel fingers crossed they can do the source material justice like they did in the first movie.
There's no 2nd movie as such - DC comics have recently announced a 7 comics prequel series which is probably what you've seen. That's not to say there won't be a prequel movie of course, but t's only the comics which have been announced. Which, for the record, I think is heresy. Awful idea.

Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs View Post
I didn't think Zack Snyder captured the tone very well and, though the film is very well scripted and visually stylish, something felt lacking as an adaptation of one of the greatest graphic novels ever written.
Ah, I disagree with this. I thought it captured the tone well, aside from the obligatory Snyder slo-mo scenes. Some parts I disliked , like the scene where Nite-Owl and Silk Spectre fight the criminals in the alley in the most ridiculous bone-crushing, cgi-blood spurting, gritty way but overall I thought Snyder did a fantastic job. I'm a huge fan of the graphic novel and was worried the film would be awful but I thought it worked incredibly well. Didn't even mind the changing of the ending.
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