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Old 13th February 2012, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Baseball Fury View Post
I take it that Alan Moore has distanced himself from the project?
Yeah, he's got nothing to do with it. They've actually got some good writers and artists on board (Darwyn Cooke, Brian Azzarello, Len Wein!) but they've also got one of the Kubert brothers who I can't stand. Eitherway, it's a rotten idea as the history of all the characters is told perfectly in the original graphic novel, as you said. It's 7 seperate 4 to 6 issue comics all telling an interlocking story with different writers so I don't really see whose vision or story this actually is. Seems poorly planned, as in "We can't get Alan Moore to do it so let's just chuck everyone into the project and see what happens,"

I do admit that the Rorshach cover is pretty damn nice though.
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