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Old 14th February 2012, 08:43 AM
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Handyman Joe Handyman Joe is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2011

Wolverine. Holy God I paid 12.99 for the X-Men blu ray box set so I was damn sure I was sitting through this piece of ordure. This could be the worst sceenplay I've ever come across - it consists of a series of straw men being introduced in order to be killed off and provide 'motivation' for our hero. Thus we get the beautiful wife, the saintly old couple he stumbles across (who have a motorbike in their garage - fancy that!), the black sidekick with the crappy power and the, well, I won't spoil any more, as if you couldn't guess anyway. There's also an appearance by that old staple, the noble general, just to show us the US military isn't all bad. Danny Huston as Stryker makes you realise what a great actor Brian Cox is, I'm glad he didn't get involved in this.
The only saving grace for me was the performances of Jackman and Schrieber but even they can't compensate for such an intelligence insulting script. The ending lets the two main villains simply disappear, there's no resolution, no catharsis, no point to it all. It's tongue in cheek, a romp, I hear you say - sorry, won't wash, it's just bad film-making plain and simple. I see it's got 6.7 on imdb - I despair!
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