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Old 15th February 2012, 10:40 AM
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Baseball Fury Baseball Fury is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Sawtry (Nr.Peterborough), UK

FWWM is a cracker, but I agree with what Keirarts said. A huge number of detractors are Twin Peaks fans, NOT Lynch fans, so it's quite a hard film to watch if you're used to the show, especially the kookyness of Season Two. It's quite noticable the shift in tone when Lynch came back after Wild At Heart and put his stamp on things.

Some of the scenes are just downright odd as well (message at the airport? FBI office?), so again, the dislike from the casual viewer is understandable.

Anyone that claims to be a Lynch fan that hates it is clearly bonkers though. It's the PERFECT Lynch film, only beaten by the mighty Mulholland Dr.
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