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Old 25th February 2012, 04:30 PM
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Handyman Joe Handyman Joe is offline
Active Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2011

Just wanted to chip in to The Woman in Black debate. I went to see it last night at Cineworld, Glasgow and it was a grim experience. From the first whistle it felt like a kindergarten - shrieks, giggles, kids sprinting down the aisle every 5 minutes. I don't need to tell anyone here that a ghost story is dependent on atmosphere and use of silence - this is impossible to achieve when every telegraphed shock (and there were far too many in this film) is accompanied by a barrage of prepubescent caterwauling. IMO it was a big mistake to make this a 12 cert, yes, they may make more money in the short term but at what cost to the studio's credibility? There were more walkouts during this screening than I've ever seen - I doubt many of these folk will be keen to relive the experience by buying this movie on DVD or returing to future Hammer cinema screenings. Eventually (after an hour) security moved in and ejected about 2 dozen little neds/idiots. I don't know if this was an isolated experience but I'm guessing it's going on all over the country. Bottom line - keep horror movies to a 15 cert, it's the maturity of the audience attracted thats the main issue, not profanity/gore etc. Re the film itself - a handsomely mounted succession of boo scares - no classic in my book but not bad.
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