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Old 29th February 2012, 07:51 PM
Michael Brooke Michael Brooke is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Nov 2011

Originally Posted by The Limey View Post
Interesting to see that the BFI have not long ago announced a release of another film from the Warner Vault and that is the 1980s Al Pacino saga - Revolution - and this IS getting a BD release. Kinda makes you wonder if the BFI will now be used as a vehicle for films that Warners are not so keen to be releasing themselves on BD?

Therefore, a change of heart from Warner to the BFI releasing the most complete version of The Devils at a later date on BD could well be on the cards frankly.
I really wouldn't hold your breath. Warners' attitude towards Revolution seems to be pretty ambivalent (which is presumably why they were happy for the BFI to handle it), but there's no doubt that they actively loathe The Devils at a corporate level.

Obviously, never say never - a decade ago conventional wisdom had it that the "rape of Christ" footage had been destroyed - but I certainly wouldn't place any bets on it happening. The mere fact that it's taken a full fifteen years since the introduction of the medium for it even to come out on DVD in a decent version (I certainly don't count the mangled non-anamorphic Spanish release!) is pretty revealing in itself.
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