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Old 3rd March 2012, 03:20 AM
Frankie Teardrop's Avatar
Frankie Teardrop Frankie Teardrop is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Leeds, UK

SHALLOW GROUND - Ever increasing cycles of vengefulness ensnare pretty much everyone in a movie which is worth at least some of your attention. Some blood, nice imagery and stretched realism come together in a tasty form which I'd rather gobble than something given to me by a bastard in Greggs (by which or whom I mean, THE bastard who served me in Greggs today. You know who you are, snake. Everyone else? We're all as naked and blood-drenched as you are, join the party!)
DAWN OF THE MUMMY - Gets a lot of flack for being boring apart from the last ten minutes which are apparently OK 'cos they're a bit cannibal-zombieesque. Actually this is the wrong way to take a movie which is charmingly bad well before the rip-off zombie action sets in. Bad, bad soundtrack / tunes. In fact, bad everything. A bit more sleaze and I'd be more than happy to run with it. As it stands, I'm a little bit further than halfway.
PUSHER - Really enjoyed this early Winding-Refn effort. Less 'stylised' than his later stuff, which seems quite art-house-cum-lad's-mag. Got locked into the lead character's ever mounting desperation. Didn't expect it to hook me the way it did... high hopes for the other two.
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