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Old 11th March 2012, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by pedromonkey View Post
for reviews purposes i sat down and watched Twlight: Breaking Dawn Pt 1 tonight. Absolute infantile, insulting and down right dull filmmaking of the highest order. do not watch this film it is utter crap and i feel like i should put a bullet into my just to get the image out of my mind.
I thought it was the better film of the 4 so far. Don't know what that says about my taste or what that says about how bad the others must be.

Then again I am known as the guy who likes everything, it's very very rare for me to ever not like or hate a film. I must have a very tolerable mind
A Night of living terror led to a Dawn of false hope but nothing before will prepare you for the darkest Day the world has ever known

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