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Old 12th March 2012, 10:25 PM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
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Originally Posted by Demoncrat View Post
Watched Troll Hunter finally with subtitles!!
Interesting to see there is a "dubbed" print on the disc. in these days? hmmm. Still, gives me a chance to play it to moaners who refuse to watch "foreign" films!!

Watched also the end of Twin Peaks, well except the last episode which i'm saving haha.
A severe lack of focus is what i've noticed this time, as the story drifts into atypical soap fare, losing some of the downright weirdness to my mind. ok, you can say this overlayering of "normality" is only another misdirection so that the ending is even more of a kicker, but i feel that he improved on this technique later (see Mullholland Dr.)

Also watched The Muppets movie. Recommended Family Fare tm. that is all.

The Grey. liked this, basically a horror film in all but name, had echoes of various "man-against-nature" tropes, some nice moments only spoilt by unimaginative scripting towards the end, on another day i might have slated this but i enjoyed it for what it was.....
just wait for the last episode of twin peaks. Probably one of the greatest episodes of tv ever. Shame about the rest of the 2nd series though
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