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Old 18th March 2012, 10:11 AM
Splatterdragon73 Splatterdragon73 is offline
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Originally Posted by Hawkmonger View Post
OK, Now I want to talk about Judge Dredd.
I am a HUGE fan of the comic book series published weekly in 2000AD since 1977. It's gritty, dark and very violent as well as putting a very entertaining satirical spin on popular culture.
Dredd is one of the most endearing comic book characters of all time and is hugely popular world over.
But this movie. THIS movie! Changed so god damn much of the given source material that it was almost unforgivable.
There where some positives. Regular villain Mean Machine Angel was brilliantly realised and the set pieces were excellent.
Everything else though fell flat on it's face and was a slap to the 2000AD community at large. Bastards.
I enjoyed the exploits of Mega-City One's top cop on 'n' off during the '80s and '90s. Imo Danny Cannon's film version is watchable enough but JD definitely remains one of the lesser comic book adaptations and here's hoping this year's cinematic update Dredd does the character some proper justice.

However, i do think '95's Stallone effort boasted a strong cast (Jurgen Prochnow, Max Von Sydow, Diane Lane, Joan Chen and a wonderfully manic Armand Assante.) and i agree with you on headbutt-happy bad guy MMA and some of the movie's action. The make-up FX on the aforementioned villain was indeed superb and i also like the excellent track 'The Dredd Song' by The Cure played over the film's end credits. Yours truly found Sly's blue contact lenses a bit heavy going though along with the wisecracking and somewhat annoying Rob Schneider.

No disrespect to the sultry Diane Lane, but i wonder if Angelina Jolie might've made a suitably sexy Judge Hershey too if she ever got a chance to play the part.

Going back to Stallone and Schwarzenegger. Lest we forget while the latter was busy being 'The Governator', the former was working hard to give the action genre balls again with the brilliantly bloody Rambo and The Expendables. Not to mention the successful return of Philadelphia's fave son. Imo the above two actioners along with unrelated, non-Sly offerings The Punisher:War Zone and Ninja Assassin remain the most violent action outings in recent years. Imo Stallone also pulls off martial arts moves better than Schwarzy. Just compare the fight scenes in Tango & Cash and Commando for further proof. Sly looks more natural whereas Arnie comes across as rather less graceful and more stagnant with his punches 'n' kicks.
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