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Old 23rd March 2012, 10:30 AM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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As it's been a while since i had a migraine, sat and watched Tetsuo: The Bullet Man & Crank II in one sitting.

And i've forgotten the piece of paper i wrote all my info on. Erse!

the sound design in T:TBM was the most striking i've heard in a good while, pounding Industrial, mixed with low frequencies during dialogue scenes (well on my copy anyhow) not as totally brain busting as the Iron Man/Body Hammer rabbit punch but still quite an all out sensory assault.

And say what you like about Statham, in this he just courts the edge of self parody beautifully. Easily one of the few Occidental films to come close to the excesses of HK cinema IMO, if only for the line "What the bleeding hell are you pair of Sausage Nigels doin' to that dog??"

And i hated the first one, go figure

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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