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Old 24th March 2012, 10:04 AM
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Handyman Joe Handyman Joe is offline
Active Cultist
Join Date: Dec 2011

I've been frantically rewatching all my Mad Men blu rays in prep for Season 5 on Tuesday (My God I love this show - if you're swithering, go for it, you won't regret it, see also Breaking Bad for the best entertainment currently available) Anyway, I did fit in a long delayed first viewing of Amer. WTF!
Is this a movie or an art installation? I found myself split in two here - I loved the visuals, style, music etc but geez guys, how about a semblance of a narrative? just some indication that all these fancy flourishes eventually fit together a'la Mulholland Drive. I don't know, maybe they do, I've only seen it the once, but It sure seemed like pure cinematic onanism to me. Will definitely rewatch this, although I get the feeling it may be best appreciated in little chunks rather that the full 90 minutes.
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