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Old 6th May 2012, 05:56 PM
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Originally Posted by LoBo View Post
Dual Layer DVDs usually takes up about 8GB, so 12.2GB is pretty low. 15.6 kbps is also pretty low. DVDs can have max 10 kbps. I think the screencaptures looks mostly good, but it would have looked improved if both films took up more GB and had higher bitrate. They probably didn` use 50GB discs or a second disc because it would cost more money.
Yeah, I haven´t seen a Blu-Ray with a bitrate this low since the US BD of the original "Black Christmas", that has an horrible amount of artifacts throughout the entire movie, kinda looking like an Xvid.

But, as I mentioned above, it might not be as bad as it sounds since most people still seems positive. Though I wonder what size their screens are, as these things aren´t that noticable on 32-40 inch screens.

They could easly have saved a lot of money for 50gb discs if they didn´t release the steelbook.
Extras are fun, but if it´s at the expense of the quality of the movie itself, then it´s a HUGE no-no.
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