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Old 20th May 2012, 01:36 PM
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Gojirosan Gojirosan is offline
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Location: Liverpool, UK

Oh well. If he wants to say "f*** you" to Arrow, that's fine. His blog.

If he's a professional techie in these matters, he's bound to be extremely (overly?) analytical in his critique of a disk's presentation. That's fair enough, I guess. Though I can understand people getting annoyed and frustrated over bitrate corksniffing at times.

Maybe Arrow could up their game in this regard? I don't know, I thought Demons looked perfectly acceptable and The Beyond looked superb, so no complaints from me. I never did see the "notorious" Tenebrae transfer though.

But I can understand why someone might think that Arrow's adherence to fancy packaging and posters and comics seems to be getting the priorities wrong. I find the constant talk and emphasis over these things frustrating myself. But most (here, at least) DO prioritise these things, so I am clearly as ill equipped to comment on this as I am on the transfer quality.

Everyone wants different things. I don't envy Arrow having to operate in such a picky, obsessive market. Back when VHS was about, we were just glad to get something uncut in the right aspect ratio. Now there is much more for people to obsess over. It must be hard for a small company to operate and survive in the cult films world!
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