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Old 25th May 2012, 10:32 AM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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Location: summerisle
Blog Entries: 21

ok then
Hartnell The Daleks (this shows how capricious the doc can be in pursuit of his own aims)

Troughton The Time Robber (a great villian, great set design etc)

Pertwee Green Death (the epitome of the Letts period, nasty corporations versus the people etc, the maggots terrified me as a child, now they look rather cuddly )

Baker, T Horror of Fang Rock (another childhood nightmare, watching it now it's like A Bay Of Blood in structure haha)

Davison Earthshock (had to get the Cybermen in here)

Baker, C Twin Dillema (JNT, how could you.....a chance to return to a more Adult Who....squandered. If i could kill him and Grade with the same bullet etc....)

McCoy i have to return to, cant base my opinion on the mere 5 stories i've seen.

McGann i would pick a BF story, just to be awkward but cant remember any of the titles

honourable mentions go to........ The Pirate Planet/Inferno/Two Doctors/The Ark/Revenge of the Cybermen/Dalek Invasion Of Earth/Tomb of the Cybermen.

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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