Originally Posted by iluvdvds@Cult Labs Mr. Jones should be ashamed! This could've been such a great surprise with a huge build-up. |
Agreed. Arrow could have really built the hype with this title and got everyone eager with anticipation as to what the next 'big' title was going to be. Instead we have some half-baked journo spilling the beans because he feels it's his right to break the news first - and I presume it gives him some sense of over-inflated self worth.
Suggestion to Arrow: don't let Jones near any of your releases ever again. What he knows any self-respecting genre fan would know anyway, so it's not as if he has exclusive knowledge or a mediumistic line of communication with Fulci. I'd rather see Kim Newman engaged to do commentaries, he's much more fun to listen to. Jones is dry, pseudo-academic and dull as dishwater IMO.