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Old 3rd June 2012, 11:42 AM
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Gojirosan Gojirosan is offline
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Originally Posted by Paul@Lovelockandload View Post
Priest is the sort of film that reminds you how bad indulgent blockbusters can be. It's a shame because the director and Bettany's previous collaboration, Legion, was quite good fun.
I thought Legion was so awful I remember throwing the disk across the room onto the sofa in sheer anger after it had finished!

I thought Fincher's take on ...Dragon Tattoo was "meh" (my mother who saw it with me really hated it, much more than I did) but I DESPISE that ugly grey "pall of smoke" look in the film. I found it extremely distracting and made it hard to watch and impossible to get into the story. I was left wondering if it would have been more involving had there been some bloody light used during the shooting occasionally. Vastly preferred the Swedish version for how it looked and for the superior acting (Craig and Mara just didn't win me over; there was nothing actually wrong with their efforts, but Nyquist and Rapace were so superb that the actors in American version were doomed from the off). I did think Christopher Plummer was excellent in the remake, however.

Part of me wants to see The Grey because of the wolves, but I am put off by Liam Neeson being in it. Is he bearable? Remember that I thought he was unwatchably bad in Taken, so my Neeson tolerance is extremely low.
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