Originally Posted by stunner Hi Guys!
One thing an artist should NEVER do is answer his critics on a forum but what the hell, if he doesn't have a sense of humour he shouldn't visit one in the first place! Firstly, let me say I love Cult Labs and there is not a kicking I've taken here that hasn't been almost perversely appreciated. However, I would like to point out that many of my Arrow covers had a 'cartoony' look because they were done straight onto a blank board without using any photo references. At the time these titles came out my brief was to work from imagination and to deliver covers that emulated the 50's E.C. comic style. If you check out my last DarkSide cover (Strippers vs Werewolves) which was copied straight from a photograph then you will see it's technically superior to Inferno. However, you could walk into any art school in Britain and find half a dozen pupils who could do the same thing.
My Zombie Flesh Eaters (see attached) was also done without using any photographs or models and admittedly has a somewhat 'cartoony' look. Of course if the next ZFE artwork is constructed in the same fashion and leaves mine face down in the dust then I'll happily take my licks and slink off blubbing into the sunset. If however it turns out to be nothing more than a bunch of traced downloaded images slapped together in photoshop then, well, I'll probably still wind up getting a good kicking and slink off blubbing into the sunset!
Rick |
I've got to say, Rick - I think your artwork for
ZFE is easily among your very best work. It's brilliant - hopefully Arrow will use it - I mean it's probably the most famous moment in the film and maybe Italian zombie cinema.
Originally Posted by Hawkmonger No seirous, I work as a Diving Instructers assistent (learning to instruct myself) and we recently arrived back from Cornwall after diving with Basking Sharks.
None aggressive beast's thankfuly.  |
WOAH! You sir have an amazing job! Diving with basking sharks eh? That sounds incredible...I can't even swim
