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Old 9th June 2012, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by re.form View Post
Yeah,'s a prequel then either way, right? My definition of a prequel is a movie made thats set before the films that came before it. By direct I mean it's obviously a movie set in the same universe and has a plot that directly links it to what comes next.

Was Star Wars episode I not a prequel until II and III got made?

It's hard to discuss this withough me saying the obvious spoilers.
True on all counts. I was saying it wasn't a 'direct' prequel as the events don't seamlessly lead onto those in Alien just as, to use your example, The Phantom Menace isn't a direct prequel to A New Hope and you can substitute The Phantom Menace for Prometheus and A New Hope for Alien (only Ridley Scott's films are better by far!).

If you knew nothing about the existing Alien films, you could easily watch Prometheus on its own without the necessity to then watch Alien, albeit with the last scene leaving you a little puzzled!
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