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Old 11th June 2012, 05:48 PM
Nostalgic Nostalgic is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Jun 2012

I can't stand and have never understood people's love for Kubrick's The Shining (MUCH preferred the Mick Garris TV version-an actual adaptation of the book). As well as 2001 A Space Odyssey.....good GOD what a boring, laborious film!

Yep, Private Ryan and Forrest Gump are both terrible overlong sentimental garbage designed to make the masses emote. I even tried Band of Brothers because folk were harping on about it. Boring, soft stuff.

Have never made it through The Godfather due to sheer boredom, and I think The Deer Hunter (same reason).

Most of the big Brit Hits that come out are terrible, Trainspotting, four Weddings, Slumdog Millionaire and King's Speech all incredibly over-rated and only mildly more entertaining and well-acted than an ep of Eastenders.

Don't really like any James Bond films, and have to agree with a previous poster in completely missing what the hell was so good about The Dark Knight. Overlong, plodding stuff. I really wanted to like it, but sadly it was just Heth Ledger's Joker that made any impression while the rest of the film was just TALK, TALK, TALK!!!! I love Christopher Nolan (Inception and Memento are watch-a-hundred-times classics!) but the first two parts of his bat-trilogy have been so poor! Hoping the 3rd one is actually good!

There are probably more, but I've found quite a lot of "classics" don't live up to the hype and it's just reviewers agreeing with eachother because they think that if they badmouth a "worthy" film then they won't be taken seriously in the beard-stroking Film Studies club!.
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